
Bhairavar - Lord Shiva

(Bhairavar )

Om Bhairavar, one of the forms of Lord Shiva is considered to be the lord who shows us the path to come out of worldly attachments and reach the path of Gnana. MahaBhairaveshwarar temple is considered to be the aadhi peedam (the first place) for all Bhairavars in Prabancham (universe). This place has many siddhas, rishis and bhairavar upasakar visiting it.This temple had ashtabhairavars (bhairavars guarding eight directions) and asta-naagam worship the eswaran here. The photo on the left here shows the bhairavar on the wall. It was an amazing master piece of sculpting.

The astabhairavar instead of their regular form had taken the form of lingams and have worshipped lord shiva in eight directions. However currently the temple is under renovation and the land seems to have been encroached in certain part. What we see in this picture (as of now state) is one of those lingam which has been digged out by the sevarthis. Some of the lingams have been taken out whereas for others, new lingams are planned to be done freshly.

This temple which was almost on ruins has been created with a team of good hearts and spirit. (ulavara pani anbargal). The existing stones have been used to build the temple again. The location and its majesty in ruins is worth a visit. The temple is in cholapuram between anakarai and kumbakonam (olden days knows as Bhairavapuram).

Other than the eight bhairavars as lingam there are 64 peedams. It is believed that the 64 bhairavas worshiped in big yagnas and poojas have been made as peedam here. The stone work is evidently of chola's regime.

The idols in the Mahabhairaveshwarar temple are definetly unique. For instance the photo here is that of Lord Brahma who in his left hand near thigh holds the amuda kalasam.

There is another interesting epic importance about this place too. It is said during the ramayana times Ravanan had done a penance and tied up Navagrahas. However Sani was suppose to affect Ravanan but stood helpless.

During this time Sani bhagavan had worshipped Bhairaveshwarar to help him perform his duty. Post that is when Kuligan (Guligan) the son of Sani was born in this place. The destruction of Ravanan started when he selected the time of Kuligan to fight against lord Rama's army.

Padagacheri Ramalinga Swamigal had meditated here using the Bhairava yoga method

Adhishankara had come here and reduced the heat produced in his head and body due to meditation

Many of the deities and statues of this temple are preservered in museum

Thursdays, Saturdays and Ashtami (waxing moon) are auspicious days when pooja happens here.

Kumbabishegam is planned in next 30 to 40 days. I don't remember the exact date but will check and post comment.

(Gangadeeshwar with parvathi)