
Guru Eswarapattar

Easwara Pattar

Easwara Pattar (EP) Whose odukum @ Palani was a saint born in a Kannada speaking family. His young age was in Andhra and and had his odukkam at Tamilnadu. One of his disciples called Prasad ayya was from Kerala was my asan. So thatcovers all the 4 south Indian states now.

I'm attempting to collectively put details on EP whatever I have listened and heard. Eswarapattar (EP) was a mystic right from his younger age. During his younger age itself he used to get into a state of self-introspection. Once while playing with his friends, he got into the mode of trance. He had re-gained general state after being beaten by stick. This started continuing and he was provided shelter from rain by few of his good friends during his meditation session which use to happen in open spaces like shades of trees. Some provided him food while few others managed to steal it from him. His main food use to be a glass of milk mostly. Once when he was meditating below a tree, there was a huge Storm. All trees were disturbed except the one beneath which he was sitting.

During his state of meditation ants, spiders and other insects use to surround him. His legs got completely stuck and had a bad odour over a period of time. Post this he was visited by the Collector of Godavari. The collector and his assistant were attracted toward the mystic and provided him with a tiger asanam and built a small house for him. EP couldn't move and hence was locked inside this house to ensure that no-one disturbed him during meditation.

Another mystic called Thapasvi maharaj (his age was 180 at that time) came and met Eswarapattar. He smiled at EP and started continuing his meditation from a near by location. He created few medicines for EP that brought his leg and body back to Normal. Maharaj inducted him to the next level in meditation. After this maharaj took his Samadhi State. After this EP went for many years into continous meditation Other than my asan, direct disciples of EP were Natraja Swamigal (whose Samadhi is next to EP) in Palani and the other one is Punjai Pulliyampatti –Venugopal Swamigal. All of them are no more in Physical state. I've had a chance to spend with both of them. With EswaraPrasad sir for many years and with Venugopal swamigal for few days...

Eswara Pattar with Natraja Swaigal

Natraja Swamigal use to have a severe stomach ache since his young age. Despite many treatments and operation the trouble only grew bigger. By the time he almost lost hope his encounter happened with Eswara pattar near Palani. EP called NS by him name and asked to come near him. He asked to open his hand and massaged his forefinger. The long lasted pain of NS came to a permanent end. NS was surprised and happy about this. EP said no body in your family/generation will get this trouble hence forth. He asked NS to come with Beedi and matches to meet him again. (will explain some interesting things on this) After that for many days NS could only find him after many days. NS brought him to home to stay with him.

Mystics are tough to handle since they live in a different plane beyond a dimension perceivable by normal human being. They are close to truth and have no trouble doing what they want, however it is so confusing for a commoner to interpret this. Hence whatever Siddhars speak is a paradox to Dogma practices and cults, which were developed by fake gurus under the name of religion. They tend to continuously challenge this rustic theoretical people who make money and utter absolute non-sense in name of truth. So EP starts displaying his mystic behaviour now. He used to pass/excrete motion in front of NS's house especially when NS's mother and wife wash vessels or clothes. Many women who walked thro' couldn't deal with this behaviour. Now the problem was brought to the notice of NS. He bought his guru EP a nice glass bowl to collect his motion. After passing motion the content will be disposed by NS by burying it in a place little distant from home. Once before disposing he happened to smell the content which gave a un-believable sugandham. NS showed this to his Mother and wife and they too were astonished with scent that came from the content. Next day EP figured this activity and wouldn't pass motion in the open place hence forth. Once Natraja swamigal and his family went out for 5 days. EP cooked food for them and gave. The cooked food content without perishing or getting spoiled came out for all the 5 days. When NS asked him it seems he laughed and said mine is "NalaBhaagam," cooking and will never spoil at all.

He used to do rare homams which no one can understand. Once he put all the stuff that NS's mother brought from the shop into homam fire. NS's mother was worried because the money she had was also in the bag with the stuff. When NS came to EP, from the burn out ashes he pulled out the money and gave back. He has done a technique which was done by Adhi sankara once. That is when NS and other disciple of EP walked in remote areas they had severe thirst. EP bent the Coconut tree by his abilities for cutting the tender coconuts. After the cutting the tree went back straight to its original position. These were few siddhis...

Eswara Pattar and Eswara Prasad (my 1st guru), Venugopala Swamigal

It was during my College days my cousin introduced me to Easwara Prasad sir. He was a foreman of Goverment Bus transport in KK dist.

After speaking to Easwara Prasad Asan I was so fascinated with his knowledge on Medicine, Sculpting, Astrology and Tamil. He was well versed in Malayalam and Sanskrit also. He offered me very rare collection of books which was instrumental in me getting to know who Siddhars are. He used his sculpting skills for renovating near by temples. He also supplied the medicines to near by villagers for free

I came to know that he was inducted with Siva Saara dekshai by Easwarapattar and his main disciple Natrajan. On a full moon day I was given deeksha by Asan Eswara prasad at midnight 12.00pm when I was 21 years. Flowers, Cigrattes and Soda were used during induction which was strange for me. Very next day asan asked me to go and get blessing for Thakkalai peer Mohammed appa and Ayya vazhli Narayana swamigal

His place was 4 kms from my native place (in KK dist). In night the place use to look extremely dark because of the dense trees and fields. Despite my fear for darkness I use to chat with him till morning 2 or 4am and then walk back to our place in my native. This happened for many many days. Every time when there were long college holidays I used to go and meet him. He has spoken a lot to me which has been my guiding line till now.

During discussion he use to say that Eswara Pattar took samadhi 60 times and has almost done all kind of siddhis. Easwara Pattar is also popularly known as Rasamani Siddhan in Palani and Thirunelveli. Even during my recent visit to Pattar's samadhi @ palani I could feel his bliss and communication. Interestingly before going to place of Pattar's odukkam I was waiting for mootai swami and recieved an instruction to go ahead instead of waiting. Based on instruction recieved I went to odukkam of Pattar and Sivanandar and didn't meet mootai swami after that.

I also had a chance to stay with Venugopala Swamigal (known as Punjai Puliyampatti swamigal) who was another disciple of Easwara Pattar. However I found his deeksha and inducting method was different. He wanted me to stay for few days with him. I left him at earliest because these were one of the years when I was too cranky. I use to roam crazily without knowing what was required.

Easwara Prasad, Venugopala Swamigal and Natarjan Swamigal are no more in Physical form. However the truth and path they have provided continues.