
Siddha vedham chapter 1

Siddha vedham book has the entire discussion in Guru-Sishya sambashana.First chapter deals with Easwara thattuvam, states of Eswara, Eswaran and Guru, Non-duality or Advaita –defining 1 from 2, extending this definition towards Brahma and Maya. 

To start on first chapter Easwara thattuvam and 2 states of Easwaran will be covered.

Eswara thattuvam

Let's first get to discuss Easwara thattuvam. Thro' all texts and references, we know that Easwaran is responsible for Creating, Preserving and destroying the universe. Also individually Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar are responsible for these acts and are worshipped in various temples. The Veda and siddha texts also say Easwaran as Sarva-vyabhi (omnipresent). 

The omnipresent source is present in all of us as divine energy. This divine power helps us interpret the world when we are awake and rests in silence when we are asleep. 

The divine energy in our body is referred as Eswara-chaitanyam. But we, who have the Eswara chaitanyam within us, tend to believe Eswaran, Brahma and Vishnu are outside in temples and deities. The Eswara-chaitanyam present in us is the reason for us to see, hear and understand. A dead can't see, hear or understand because there is no Eswara-Chaitanyam present in him or her anymore. So the true follower of Eswaran is the one who can conserve this divine energy by not letting it out.

2 States of Eswaran 

The two states are Sakalathuvam and Nishkalathuvam of Eswaran. Sakalathuvam means disturbed whereas Nishkalathuvam means undisturbed. 

Sakalathuvam: When the Eswaran state is disturbed (Sakalathuvam) he becomes Sagunan (with gunas like Satwa, Rajas and Tamas) and gets into Vigaras. Due to this Vigaras one gets into shristi, sthiti and samhara (creation, preservation and annihilation). The god within becomes Raga-Dwesha (one with likes and dislikes) in this state.

Nishkalathuvam: When the state of Eswaran is undisturbed (Nishkalathuvam), he becomes Nirguna (without 3 gunas) and Nirvikari (without emotions). In this state god ceases functions of shristi, sthiti and samhara. There is no likes or dislikes in this state.

One who is dead can't have these 2 states. It is only when the energy is conserved the Easwaran gets to Niskalathuvam. The best way to notice this is in one's sleep. In sleep Easwaran is in the state of Nishkalathuvam. The 3 gunas and Vigaras ceases when we are at sleep. The jeevan within us is in Nishkala (m) and becomes Sivan at this time of sleep. This is referred to as "JeevaSivoham" because of the Nishkala mode when the Eswara becomes Nirguna too

Mind - the true Guru 

Thus at sleep the Easwaran is at Niskalathuvam, which we discussed in Part 1 of Chapter 1. The Vigaras originate only when we get out of sleep. From Vigaras the ideas are generated. The idea (aka) sankalpa is a wish to do things. In this case we see the originator of idea is the mind. Every single idea and thought originates only from mind. If there is no mind then there is nothing at all. The true guru is the one capable of taking Sangalpa and it is the mind. 

Conception of nothingness,single from Duality

Let's now go to the concept of duality. The general notion is that duality conception arises out of one. It is actually the other way around. To determine an item we need to know its start and an end. Let's take a vase for example here. The vase needs a bottom to rest and on top is void to distinguish the end. Likewise the world we see is defined by akasa and earth. If there is no concept of duality it is nothingness. The nothingness is without a start and end. The nothingness that we speak here is called adwaitham. Advaitha mean dwaita-Rahita (without two).

Now from where did this concept of duality originate? When the energy in self is resonated, the concept of duality arose. What is self then?.Self is Akshara, Akshara means Kshararahita (imperishable). Thus which is imperishable is the Easwaran. From there as Easwaran, self, one without start and end, akasa (void) got originated out of Akshara. In that Akasa the self originates as energy and from these vibrations all state of existence comes into being. When the self vibrates as the void Akasa, as the energy (sakthi), from then on it becomes two. These 2 states thus created are known as Brahmam and Maya. (TIP: The sayings of siddhars and sivanandar are always related to the evolution of self. Ying and Yang, Ardhanareeswar and etc are few factors depicting the duality concept in one object. We have a general tendency to interpret songs in the context of universe formation instead of self. For their songs self is the reference to interpret things. Adhishankara's verses also sometimes is not interpreted as it needs to be . His writings revolves around "not-two". All his Leharis talks about the manifestation from nothingness to energy(shakthi)).

Ok back to discussion on Non-duality from my weird tips. When a thing that has no start or end (aadhi-andham), it vibrates to become Akasha then 2 states such as higher self and lower self is created. The higher self is Brahmam and lower self is Maya. It is from Maya that all orginates. What we see, hear and know all are in maya.(TIP: All we see and act on daily basis has these 2 states which means apparently they are all perishable. Daily routines are in maya. I guess it is easy to relate if you see the film Matrix ) If there is no maya we can't differentiate Brahmam. This means if there is no maya then there is no Brahmam too. It is the Brahmam which vibrates to energy resulting in Maya. 

The meaning of Maya is "that is that which is not". So any object that has the duality is Maya and it only exists in Maya. Without Maya there is no Brahmam and that state without duality is called Ananda. This is a state of nothingness where Brahmam becomes extinct (TIP: 2 this state can't be achieved by Sleep as Raghu mentioned in his reply to the group. It needs practice to have ananda as suffix in one's name. The state of Brahman is static or rest. I'm not sure if static is right word but the best word close to describe better. On vibrating the state is dynamic which is referred to Shakthi. Now the nothingness is separated into right and left as Shiva and Shakthi. Also as idakala and Pingala).

As told earlier if there is no Maya there is no Brahmam, all notion of beginning and end, sound and sight comes to end. Non duality thus is nothingness a beatitude state called Ananda.

This ananda or beatitude and is everlasting. 
Whatever is everlasting is the knowledge. 
True knowledge is enlightment.
That realization due to englightment is called supreme knowledge, 
which is nothing but the self.-

The dead can't see, hear or act. The dead man has no knowledge. When there is no breathe going in and out a person is declared for death. The knowing factor is breath which is the energy of life. Vasi or vayu inside us is the one which vibrates and flows out of us as energy. When we are in deep focus the vayu tends to reduce because of reduced vibration and starts consuming energy within you. The energy when concentrated within gets in contact with Brahma randharam.

The eswarathuvam as discussed before exhibits 2 states. This is when we are awake and asleep. What happens if one is dead? The breathe goes out and the motionless body stays. The lack of Easwara chaityanam (soul or breathe) makes it disintegrate. The dead has no state, recognition or awareness and doesn't react to fire and other things. There is no knowledge with the dead because breathe which is the life source is found missing (TIP: Natarajar is referred to the dancing breathe in many siddhar songs).

Also let's see what happens when we deeply focus on some thoughts. Breathing becomes mild, slow and reduces speed of action in its path. When the mind is focussed within, the breathe starts being within. The Jeevashakthi becomes vayu when breathe comes out. Vayu vibrates from within till out. When vayu vibrates Vicharam (thought) originates and it is called mind. That which vibrates throughout our body needs to be conserved within. Without letting out the vayu, from inside it has to be traversed back and forth from top to bottom. Hitting the top in bramarandhram during this practice is called Sameeranan (TIP: This practioner in Islam is called as Emaan. Jesus says who practice this are my followers)

The jeevashakthi becomes Vayu from which Agni gets created. From Agni the brightness gets created which is the source for thought generation for knowledge. The path clearly shows the source of knowledge to be Jeevashakthi. (TIP: Jeevashakthi is a static force: Sivan, when let out becomes shakthi the Maya. This is the duality within us).

This chapter dealt about self, duality explanations (Brahmam and Maya), states of Eswaran and completes here.