
Panayur Shankaranarayan and Dakshinamoorthi swamigal samadhi

Panayur Shankaranarayan and Dakshinamoorthi swamigal samadhi

Panayur is a Guru adhistanam in Thirunelveli and one of the must see for spiritual aspirants. Garivallam is a place between Rajapalyam and Sankaran koil on the NH. From Garivallam it takes 60 Rupees for a 7km travel to reach Panayur's Guru adhistanam in auto. The place is serene and has niyamam's similar to mantralayam being Adhistanam. There are 2 samadhi's of father and son in this place that is worshipped by all villages near by. The temple has a lingam as moolavar however the real entrance is a manhole on the left corner in the sanctum. Not more than 2 persons can get in to see the Samadhis thro the manhole.I've made a small effort of putting/rewriting few incidents that happened during these Mahan's period from a life history book received in Tamil. It will definitely interest spiritual aspirants

Shankaranarayan and his guru

Shankaranarayan during one of his school days heard a strange voice calling his name. He took his teacher's permission and came out to see where the voice came from. He found an old sage in that direction and immediately bowed down to his feet and took his blessings. The sage took him towards the temple tank outside the village. The sage asked him to wait and went to the tank to take a dip. Since the sage didn't come out for quite some time SN was confused and thought of going to his house now. The sage immediately came out of water, called SN and started giving him gnana updesam. After that the sage walked in direction of podigai and disappeared. The sage was called as Ramagiri and was considered to be one of the siddhas. From then SN stopped going to school and instead started meditating for long hours. His parents started worrying to see if SN will ever get married now. One day ramagiri appeared again and this time SN's parents met the sage and asked him to convince their son. Ramagiri called SN and asked him to get arried and also practice meditation. SN had a few doubts and asked his guru, "O guru will samasara bandham dilute me from gnana". The guru said no my son. He asked SN to deal good and bad with same mentality. Analyze clearly and be focused so that Pancha bootham can be easily controlled. After that he taught SN the technique of creating Talisman using aksharams and said this will help you feed your family. After that the sage said SN you will have 4 sons and one daughter. The 4rth son will be gnani by birth itself. After this incident SN got married to thavasimuthammal. For a long time they didn't have kids. The sage came back to the village where SN meet him and requested to come to his house. His wife TM cooked food for the sage and her husband. The sage blessed SN and said you will surely be in illaram (family life) and then also practice meditation. He emphasized his sisyan to be clear and calm. After this incident TM conceived and delivered 4 male kids and 1 female kid. The 4rth kid was named as dakshinamoorthy. SN was guru for all his kids be teaching them medicine, silambam etc. After few years TM passed away.

Coming to Panayur

SN found his 4rth son to be a gnani at younger age. This son spent most of his time with his father. One day SN was tempted to see his guru and hence decided to go to Podigai malai. In podigai malai SN was caught in dark due to the dense forests. Ramagiri made a small jyothi to come in front of SN in the forest. The jyothi led him to a cave in the dense forest of podigai where his guru Ramagiri was sitting with complete aura. SN couldn't resist his love toward the guru and fell down on Ramagiri's feet.Ramagiri told SN "I will come out to you going forward without you trying to reach me so far". The sage told SN to move out of thenkasi village and create a small kudil in Panayur.

SN calling out his Samadhi date

SN in the Year of 1835 (karthigai month 24th day) called up his son and other important ppl and said that he will go into the state of Samadhi by tomorrow early morning. His Samadhi happened as per directions and location his guru had instructed. Guru Dakshinamoorthi and his neduveli uncle (SN"s brother) spoke out this location to Jameen and got his permission to the Samadhi. SN had 2 brothers and both of them also have taken Samadhi. One brother in Neduveli and other in Ilanchi. SN's son Dakshinamoorthi continued to serve people by doing Talisman work that SN was doing before.

Dakshinamoorthi swamigal's Gnanam

Swamigal while talking with other ppl in Paniyur at time use to say don't make food today. After that it will be found that food will be reaching Paniyur from different village. Mostly the food from outside was by Punnaivanthamal who had tremendous inclination towards Dakshinamoothi. In those day there was a person called Michael in Thirunelveli who was a father in one of the churches there. Once Michael had come to a Goldsmith's shop near panayur and gave a copper coin with half of it converted to Gold. He sent that coin to DM thro' another person. DM smiled at the person who gave the coin and asked "Did Michael give
this coin to you". After saying that he put the coin into his mouth and the entire coin change into pattarimaathu thangam (high gold content piece). He smiled and gave that coin to punnaivanthammal. She asked DM to do Rakshai and guard her family. DM said so shall it happen and you can do the annadhaman in guru poojai (chitrai 20th the day Ramagiri came back from Podigai to Paniyur as promised to SN which is celebrated as a function in Panayur). Since then her family members are doing the annadhanam for 153 years…

Maangani kaatha Mahan

Once another lady devotee of DM was carrying mangoes and was late. She stopped by a village as it was late. In the house she stayed, she asked the house members to take care of mangoes from rats as it was to be given to DM. A small boy said then DM will take care of it the whole night. The next day when the devotee reached Panayur with her mangoes DM smiled and said "Rathriyellam eli otta vachiteengle amma". The devotee was stunned at DM' gnanam.

Sivagnana swamigal as disciple for Dakshinamoorthi

Once from south direction a mother and kid came to DM for blessings. DM gave a mantiram to the lady after which she went back with her kid. The next time when the lady came back, DM asked her to repeat the mantra. The lady hesitated but the kid (sivagnanam) smiled and said the mantra very clearly. DM immediately said thavagnanam itself is born as Sivagnanam. He blessed the kid and from then on the kid grew to become a gnani and was called as Sivagnana swamigal. Once when sivagnana swamigal was on deep nistai his parent mistook the state to death and wanted to his final cremation. DM understood this and called his brother Senathipathi and told the danger Sivagnanam is facing. DM asked his brother to go to the spot and tell a mantra in Sivagnanam's ears. Senathipathi literally ran to the place and seeing him there everyone was shocked. Everyone saw SP whispering the mantra on Sivaganam's ears. Within short period Sivagnanam came to normal to state and looked as if he woke from the sleep. Sivagnanam understood what happened and immediately rushed to his guru DM and said "Oh guru who saved me from this situation". After that DM blessed his disciple. Sivagnana swamigal after many years took Samadhi on 16th day of Margazhli. Guru pooja is celebrated on yearly basis for Sivagnana swamigal

Subramanya temple and DM

Sangupuram is few miles from Panayur that had a Subramanya swamy temple built there. The person who created the temple came to meet DM and said the temple had poor visitors and lacks Saanithyam. DM gave a Vel that was used in his pooja to the person. The person took it with humbleness and started worshipping it keeping in the temple. After that the temple gained recognitions, there were many festivals celebrated and poojai done post this. This temple till now has fame and name in the nearby locations.

Veerabhadra temple near Panayur Samadhi

Veerabhadrar was ugaram there and hence ladies who use to pass thro the temple had lot of issues. This new came to DM thro' ppl. DM had called the devathai and asked not to disturb commoners and villagers who pass thro and live by. The issues stopped however started again by the devatha after few days. When this message reached DM, he took a thread and did a tie after which the devatha couldn't do anything. It pleaded to DM and he was reluctant saying what is done has been done. So devatha pleaded atleast saying "atleast during festival (Thiruvizla) times I request to open up me for veediula". So DM blessed saying so shall it happen but who gets Arul will fall down on earth. Only after getting Viboothi from Samadhi and placing on forehead you will get up. This is in practice and happening nowdays also.

DM and the magician

There was a magician who uses to threaten a chettiar who had his chekku in Panayur equipment made of wood and stone to extract oil out of dry seeds). The magician use to get the extracts of Gingelly for his purpose from chettiar without paying anything for it. Once an annoyed chettiar shouted at the magician, saying henceforth there will no more extracts given to him for free. Magician returned with anger. After few days the wooden part of the chekku broke into two pieces which is a rare phenomenon. He create a replacement with a nice wood and even that broke. Chettiar was depressed and suspected magician's hand in this breaking. After that he remembered DM and immediately met him and explained the whole thing. DM asked him to create a new wooden piece again and start his work. After few days the wood started to crack and chettiar immediately thought of DM in his mind. After a while the broken piece looked again like a single piece and chettiar was happy. He came running to the odukkam and thanked DM. After a while the magician came running to the odukkam (odukkam is samadhu of SN where DM lived and served ppl). He asked DM to forgive because his hands were paining because of DM's hand that pressed him when the magic was tried over Chekku. DM forgives him and cautioned him not to disturb innocent ppl who dwelled in the village.

Chelliamman temple and DM

Chelliamman temple in Panayur is the grama devatha temple for logamatha. In full moon days after pooja timings DM use to call "chelli"….and a small girl used to come running and take the flower ball from his hands and runaway. People have seen this jasmine ball exchange from the yogi to the goddess of the earth

DM's Samadhi

DM like his father announced his Samadhi date and time and the location was next to his father. The year was 1890, 27th of Karthigai month , amavasai. Before going to Nistai he said on 40th day an ant hill will appear near my Samadhi. Don't disturb it. After this he had taken Samadhi. As mentioned the ant hill appeared on the day he mentioned . Om Om Om